Broken Teacher

An Online community for teachers who are suffering from or who have suffered from mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, stress etc. 
This website is also for those who manage others and have a responsibility for their mental health. Prevention is better than a cure so make sure you are looking after your mental health today. If you are not sure how to then explore this website and see what you can find to help you stay mentally fresh.
We only seem to talk about mental health when there are issues.  This needs to change.  We need to be talking about mental health maintenance, and like all good maintenance it should happen on a regular basis.  This should be part of our daily routine.  We are living in a world that we were not designed for, is it any wonder that we need some help to cope with the pressures of life and work.  This is a website that wants to help and wants you to be part of.  Please share with us your tips and strategies so that we can all help each other.  What do you do that keeps you mentally fresh? How do you know when you need to step in and help yourself or help others?  Who can you ask for help? What do you do to help yourself?  Use the form at the bottom of this page to contact us.  You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.  Please spread the word about and let's make this online community a caring and supportive one. Remember that every interaction you have with someone could make or break their day. We are uploading new content as fast as we can so please keep checking back to see what's new.
If you are at a crisis point and need immediate help then you need to contact your GP and tell them it isa mental health issue, or visit your A&E departmental or call 999.

Follow this link to MIND  .This leads to a tool that may help you in crisis.

If you need listening ear or just someone to talk to the Samaritans are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can call them on 116 123 or email

Please remember that you are worth it and the world would be worse off without you.  There is help out there for you.  You are not a lost cause.

"You cannot stop the waves of life, but you can learn to surf them"

Do you have a positive mantra to help you in tough times? please share them with us.


Who is Broken Teacher?
Broken teacher is an online community, run by teachers for teachers who are suffering or have suffered from mental health issues or those managing colleagues with mental health issues

What is the aim of Broken Teacher?
The aim of Broken Teacher is to support those who are suffering or have suffered from mental health issues and to get people talking about mental health issues

How can I help?
Broken Teacher is a an online community, which has a presence on social media.  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.  We are also compiling a list of services that can be accessed by individuals in each county.  If you know of services in your county please get in touch, so that we can update our lists.

What services do brokenteacher offer?
Check out our Our Services page to find out more.
Our Services

"Even in the heaviest of rain there is always the possibility of a rainbow"


Contact us

Contact Us

Have a question? Think you can help us? Or just want to get in touch ? Please message us .
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