Resources and links

This page is designed to be very much alive and populated by everyone with links to agencies, healthcare professionals , charities and anything else that's useful! Please let us know your recommendations.

Web Links  Mind work on both a national and a local scale check out what they have to offer. Charity working in mental health. This is a website that helps people to get help  Learn cognitive behaviour therapy skills for preventing and coping with depression   A range of support tools for depression, anxiety,OCD, low self esteem, panic and trauma  Website for men who suffer from anxiety and depression from all around the world.  Information relating to mental health, depression, stress and anxiety  Online course for a range of mental health issues, pdf files and interactive modules for each topic  Living life to the full contains free online courses to help you improve and maintain your mental health This site is designed to help you think about emotional problems and work towards solving them
Telephone Support

Samaritans 116 123
Breathing Space 0800 838587 This is a free confidential phone line you can call when you are feeling down, worried or just fed up
EDsupportUK 08000 562561  Charity supporting teachers and teaching assistants in the uk 
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